At Monkey Monkey Publishing, we focus on the progression of Science Fiction writing. We aim to present the most cutting-edge and future technologies, scientific theories, and cultural, political, and spiritual ideologies through the eyes of people who will live during these times. And perhaps we might gain a new perspective on future living.
We are a non-AI company. Our authors and illustrators do not use ChatGPT, Midjourney, or any similar AI programs. We still use Grammarly and Adobe but choose not to engage their AI functionality. Our stance is not derived out of fear. We simply feel the writing quality of AI is too low and its stories are unoriginal.
We understand the query and submission process is arduous and that you want to throw your fists to the sky and curse. But hang in there. The moment you are about to give up is often the moment you have a breakthrough. Unfortunately, we do not take queries and submissions directly as of yet. Once we do, we will let you know. Until then, good luck out there.